Thermal insulation products

For the prevention of radiant heat in confined spaces

We offer you individually pre-assembled flexible thermal insulation products for the thermal in­su­la­tion of exhaust systems. As well as pro­vi­ding ex­tre­me­ly ef­fec­tive in­su­la­tion, the mats are highly flexible and are well sui­ted to a variety of tasks such as in­su­la­ting components that require regular main­ten­ance. Our thermal insulation can quickly and easily be removed and re­in­stal­led later.

Alongside individual assembly, the ther­mal insulation can also be ma­nu­fac­tur­ed with different material thick­nes­ses up to 100 mm. Furthermore, the exterior fabric can be treated with a variety of coatings that, for ex­ample, can prevent oil or wa­ter from penetrating the insulation.

Depending on where the insulation is us­ed and the ambient temperatures, the thermal insulation can be ma­nu­fac­tur­ed with a variety of fas­ten­ing solutions. Suitable for all tem­pe­ra­ture ranges as standard, we supply thermal insulation with hooks and winding wire. It can also be fitted with hook-and-loop fasteners or snaps.



  • Effective, flexible thermal insulation
  • Individual assembly for silencers, par­ti­cu­late fil­ters, SCR catalytic con­ver­ters and exhaust pipes
  • Various water-, fuel- and urea-resistant exterior fabrics
  • Material thicknesses of up to 100 mm for ma­xi­­mum insulation
  • Can be attached via hooks and wire, hook-and-loop fasteners or snaps
Thermal insulation products - Project Reference 1
Thermal insulation products - Reference 2 by TEHAG

The processing of modern, particularly ef­ficient insulation ma­te­ria­l is only one of our specialities. Defiance mini­ma­l volu­me/con­struc­tion space, ob­ject ­tem­pe­ra­tu­res up to 1.000 °C practically don't pre­sent any problem in consideration of ap­pro­pri­ate ma­te­ri­al se­lec­ti­on.


The surfaces of the used insula­tio­ns are oil and water re­sis­tant coa­ted. A pe­ne­­trate of possible re­lea­sed process ma­teri­als into the in­sulation can be ef­fecti­vely hindered.

Depending on their use, a thermal insulation of exhaust cleaning sys­te­ms (Par­ti­cul­a­te fil­ter, SCR sys­tems and cata­ly­sts) can be useful. The long-­term operability of the sys­tems must comply with the mi­ni­mal re­quirements of the exhaust tem­pe­ra­tu­res.
If the re­qui­red ex­haust temperature during the ve­hicle/­engine use is not or only ra­re­­ly rea­ch­­­ed, this might cause a problem.


A insulation of the pi­pes and all additional com­po­nents en­lar­ges the ef­fec­ti­vi­ness of the sys­tems and makes a ex­ten­sion of life­time possible.



If so, please call us or send us an email! Our competent team will be there to assist you throughout.